
Android tries to find visual identity through 'Material Design', borrowing from Microsoft

Since its inception, Windows Phone has had a bold visual design language defining the core experience of the OS. Initially called Metro, Modernistic design gets its influence from the piece of work of Massimo Vignelli, who famously made the NYC Subway maps, and the school of Swiss Style started in the 1950'south. At Microsoft, the lineage starts with Windows Media Center, upwardly through the ill-fated Zune Hd, finally spearheading the core pattern of Windows Phone 7 and Windows viii.

Android though, has never had such luck. The UI has inverse significantly since Android 1.0, often evolving effectually a very loose, almost ad-hoc gear up of principles. Things began to change in one case ex-Palm blueprint head Matias Duarte joined the Android team back in 2022. Since and then, we accept seen attempts at a new language, notably the Roboto font for Android iv.0.

Now, in 2022, Android and Duarte are trying once more to give definition to how Android looks across all its devices. Appear today during the Google I/O 2022 conference, the new UI is called 'Material Design.' And once once again, it looks similar its slipping down the Modernistic UI slope even further, despite Duarte'south reproaches from 2022. Duarte famously criticized Microsoft's Modernistic design linguistic communication calling information technology "airport lavatory signage" and "too starkly systematic."

The new UI is flatter looking and has all new geometric on screen buttons. In addition, app developers will be able to leverage the new UI across devices, which sounds coordinating to Microsoft's Universal Apps initiative. Maybe the ane difference is the apply of brighter pastel colors, but even the flat squares still look like something from Microsoft's playbook. Google is non alone, however, in this trend, as even Apple has moved towards a flatter, not-skeuomorphic look in iOS seven and iOS 8.

Will Google and Android finally discover their look in Android 'Fifty'? It remains to be seen how well it is received past the masses, simply in that location should be petty doubtfulness about who is leading this resurgent design trend. Lookout man the above video see Google'due south introduction to Fabric Design and let us know what you think below.

Source: Google Pattern, Android Central


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