
Ninja Shurican, a Windows Phone pitting flying ninjas against demons

Ninja Shurican

Ninja Shurican is a relatively new Windows Phone game that has you playing the role of a ninja warrior who is traveling the underworld to battle demons and avoid countless dangers.

We were tipped on this endless runner game and decided to take information technology for a spin. Ninja Shurican is available for depression memory Windows Phones, has 3 gaming modes and customizable weapons and ninja suits. The controls accept a little time to get used to but nothing to cause you to run screaming from the room.

Ninja Shurican Menu

The main menu for Ninja Shurican greets you lot with the 3 gaming modes, options to mute the sound and music every bit well every bit options to buy new weapons or costumes for your ninja. You will earn devil points during game play that can be used to purchase these items.

The three gaming modes include:

  • Levels: This mode includes 12 levels of play with enough of demons and dangers to bargain with.
  • Claiming: This is a journey mode where you try to brand information technology to the end of your path. Your score is how much progress you make in the journey with 100% existence the ultimate goal.
  • Endless: A survival mode where you but attempt to survive the demons and dangers for as long as possible.

Game mechanics is the same with all three modes. The gaming screen layout has the fires of hell lining the elevation and bottom of the screen. Your ninja is hovering mid-screen and to begin play, just tap the screen.

Ninja Shurican

Only be careful considering when you exercise first game play your ninja will fall like a stone. You lot will need to tap the screen to keep yous ninja floating as he travels beyond the screen. His forward progress is automatic with keeping him floating between the flames and avoiding dangers existence your chore. Much similar y'all would do with Flappy Bird, Line Birds or similar styled games.

Your ninja is armed with a master weapon (starts out equally a sword) forth with shuriken throwing stars. The primary weapon will deflect spinning saw blades, slay enemies and cake fire balls. As you tap the screen to keep the ninja floating, the weapon will spin around the ninja.

Ninja Shurican Gear Shop

If you double tap the screen, the ninja will bung throwing stars. These come up in handy to strike at your enemies from a distance and avoid having to rush effectually obstacles. While I like having the power to throw shurikens I kept finding myself double borer too quickly, which frequently sent my ninja into the flames. It takes a little do to get used to the timing of the double taps and I'm not certain if a button would have been improve to launch the throwing stars with. Having to double tap does add to the challenge of the game simply can also add to the game'southward frustration.

Ninja Shurican

Game play will exam your skills of timing patience and reaction to get past dangers that include spinning saw blades, creatures that jump up from the burn and demons that shoot fireballs at your ninja. Ninja Shurican is definitely a game that requires your undivided attention. One stray look away from the game could consequence in having your ninja chopped to pieces or burnt to a crisp.

Overall Impression

Ninja Shurican fabricated a dainty first impression and later on playing the game for a while, that impression hasn't faded much. Game play is fairly elementary to pick upwardly only challenging enough to proceed you on your toes.

The tap/double tap timing does accept a piddling time to go used to only non a bargain breaker. My proffer is play the outset few levels in the Level Mode to become used to things earlier you jump into the other modes. The game lacks a help section but the Level mode does include a brief tutorial.

The just nit I have with the game is that the 3 gaming modes aren't very distinguishable. The 3 gaming modes are basically the same game, slightly plated upwardly differently. I think if there was a little more variety with the modes, the game would take more entreatment.

All in all though, I liked Ninja Shurican . If yous are in search for an endless floater of a game it is worth a effort. At final check, Ninja Shurican is rated at 5 stars in the Windows Phone Store, which may be about one-half a star to a total star too loftier. It's a good game simply I just don't think it is a five star championship.

Let us know what yous call back of Ninja Shurican in the comments below and think to charge per unit the game in the Windows Phone Store.

Download Ninja Shurican for Windows Phone (Gratis)

QR: Ninja Shurican


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